When I pictured my graduation, I imagined that I would be surrounded by my friends and family before heading out for the night. My friends and I would have our last nights out and a final send-off like we always do. Then, I would ideally land a job back in Dublin with a firm I loved.

This didn’t quite happen for graduates this year.

I won’t pretend that I’ve been fine with the lack of opportunities for myself and other graduates. I never thought I’d say that I would actually like a job rejection from firms I’ve applied to, instead of sitting around wondering, never to be told ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Companies are clearly so overwhelmed with thousands of applicants that they can’t even read the majority of them.

I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t gotten to me, particularly in the past few weeks when I’ve seen a lot of my friends starting back for another year of university or beginning masters. I know that I’m not alone in this, as so many people are going through the same struggle. Some have been made redundant, or have had their graduate schemes cancelled.

What can we do instead?

It’s definitely okay to feel like we are hard done by. I’m sure graduates from 2008 will understand the frustration that many of us face nowadays. But look, we won’t cry about it. Aren’t we alive and well x

There are definitely things we can do whilst we are in this limbo mode. I believe that many recruiters will ask us how we spent our time during Coronavirus following our studies. I’ve been asking for advice, researching and thinking of some ways we can make the most of this fairly shitty time.

Here’s a list of tips I have compiled together:

  1. Volunteer

Maybe you have always wanted to get involved in charity work but haven’t had the time. Many local charity shops are constantly looking for volunteers to work in their clothes shops or help out with soup runs. You could go into any local office and offer your time.

If you live down south, Volunteer Ireland lists some local volunteering opportunities that might suit you.

  1. Get a part time job whilst applying for new jobs

Now I know this may not be possible if you live in a very small village with limited opportunities. However, you could try the old fashioned way of dropping off your CV in a small business, as many don’t advertise online. Also, as many occupations are back in offices, there may be some babysitting work in your area. I used mindme.ie last year and landed a fantastic babysitting job that suited me whilst I was studying.

  1. Start some online courses

My sister recently sent me a link to FutureLearn for some free online courses. They have 730 different courses, starting at different levels in a range of subjects. This is definitely something I want to make the most of.

Skillshare is another platform I’ve heard Sinead Hegarty discussing on Instagram. It also has many fantastic certified courses on here.

  1. Start your own business from home

Now is probably not the best time to launch into your full-blown business idea, particularly during the current economic climate. However, there are some smaller ideas that you could definitely start.

Maybe you have completed all of your music grades and have the ability to teach, so you could start teaching online for kids who are currently quarantining or isolating. Or you could start giving online tuition over zoom. Or maybe you’ve been creating art, jewellery, or recycling clothes that you’d love to sell online on Etsy or Depop.

Now you have the time, you could try a small online business idea.

  1. Start a website/ blog/ podcast/ anything creative

You could follow what I’m doing and start a blog, podcast, or an Instagram page. Or maybe you just want to get better at learning guitar for instance (definitely something I need to do myself). Whatever it is, focusing on something small can be a great way to relieve stress and give your days purpose.

The main thing for graduates of 2020 is that we use our time wisely, even if we do have limited professional opportunities. This won’t last forever, and we have to keep reminding ourselves of this. Never did I think there would be a day that I’d be begging to do work and not lie around the house watching Netflix. Don’t know myself x

Do you have any more ideas for Covid graduates? Please leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading,
